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What can I expect at a free consultation?The initial consultation is a 30 minute phone or video call that will help you determine if coaching is your best next step. You will get to know the financial coach and give a brief overview of your current situation, needs, and concerns. By the end of the call, you will be ready to sign up for the first session.
I work during the day. Is there weekend or evening availability for coaching sessions?Yes. Given the demand for evening and weekend coaching sessions, the majority of The Financial School's time slots are not during the 9-5 business day. Sessions are available Monday-Friday from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm. On weekends, sessions are available from 8:30 am - 7:00 pm.
Do I need to know a lot about finances in order to be a successful coaching client?Absolutley not. Coaching sessions are just as fruitful for someone who works on Wall Street as someone who has just graduated college and has no financial background. The coaching sessions will be catered toward your level of knowledge.
Is financial coaching affordable?The cost of financial coaching varies depending on how often the client meets with the coach. If paying for financial coaching services will put you further into debt or stress, then it's better to wait a while and save up. The Financial School will offer coupons or promotions a few times a year, so check out the Services page to see if there are any available. Additionally, if you have questions about promotions or coupons, you can always contact us by emailing
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